About company
We are a team of engineering experts who love to make exceptional digital products and platforms with our clients.
We provide high-grade software development services
with a strong focus on a great user experience and technical excellence.
Being an engineering company, we have a strong belief that technical quality alone is not the sole goal.
The great user experience is equally important, because this is what helps to hold users, sell more, gain more visits and reinforce the reputation of the company.
Represented professions
Recommended schools and studies
IT Specialist
4 recommendations
Latvijas Universitāte
Datorzinātnes – bakalaura studiju programma
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Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte
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Daugavpils Universitāte
- 5 company recommendations
Transporta un sakaru institūts
Datorzinātnes (bakalaurs)
- 26 company recommendations
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