If you are interested in the business world, and are good at researching and number work, this job could be ideal for you.
As an economist, you would use your knowledge of economic theory to advise government departments, businesses, banks and other organisations about the economy.
In this job you will need to work with complex information and statistics. You will also need the communication skills to explain this complex information to people with less technical knowledge than you.
You will need a good degree in economics or a related subject, such as statistics, maths or business studies. Some employers may prefer you to also have a master's degree in economics.
- researching information from computer databases, websites, journals and newspapers
- monitoring past and present economic issues and trends
- creating mathematical models to predict future economic developments
- analysing statistics
- producing reports and presenting findings to your employer or client
- writing reports for the press
- examining the effectiveness of current policies
- advising on the potential economic impact of policies and ideas.
Key skills:
- an excellent understanding of business and economic theory
- good research skills
- the ability to analyse complex information and statistics
- good mathematical and computer skills
- good communication skills, with the ability to explain complex issues to non-economists
- report writing skills
- organisational ability, for working on several projects at once
- the ability to build good working relationships with a range of professionals.
Average salary (2014):
United Kingdom: tarting salaries for assistant economists in government departments are generally between £25,000 and £28,000 outside London, and from £27,000 to £33,000 in London.
Qualifications and training required:
You will need a good degree in economics or a related subject like business studies to work as an economist. Some employers may prefer you to have a postgraduate qualification in economics. Your course must include both macro and microeconomics.
In the private sector, you would normally start out as an economic research officer or analyst. Many government departments employ economics graduates. If you take this route, you would start as an assistant economist with the Government Economic Service (GES). You would need a degree in economics or a combined degree, with at least 50 per cent economics, at class 2:1 or above. A postgraduate degree in economics may also be acceptable.
To start an economics-based degree course, you will usually need at least five GCSEs (A-C), plus two or more A levels, including maths or economics, or equivalent qualifications. You should check with colleges or universities for exact entry requirements.
If you join the Government Economic Service as an assistant economist, you will follow a structured fast-track development programme. You may also have the opportunity to gain experience in other departments from your original posting, with the agreement of your manager. You are likely to progress from assistant economist to economic adviser after three to four years.
In the private sector, your company would put you through their own training scheme and you would work alongside and learn from more experienced colleagues. As well as company policy and procedures, the training would include areas such as report writing, presentations, specialist statistical software and project management.
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