Ilgvars Abelitis Send a message
About company
Comodality Group is a independent Nordic based freight forwarding company, that offers smart, innovative, sustainable logistic solutions and supply chain management services. From our offices in the Nordic, Balkans, Baltic, Caribbean, North, East & South European countries, we offer global logistic solutions.
We use all modes of logistics including ocean, air, road and rail, and take care of your cargo from starting point to final destination.
We provide high quality solutions for our valued customers through personalized craftsmanship and all our staff are highly dedicated to serve you. Comodality will handle it for you properly.
Career in company
Ja Tev patīk komunikācija starptautiskā vidē, ja Tu esi gatavs mācīties un ar interesi apgūt visu jauno, tad mēs Tev palīdzēsim izaugt par profesionāli Baltijas loģistikas tirgū.
Success story
Mūsu veiksmes stāsts ir komanda, cilvēki, kuri savu darbu dara ar degsmi un prieku. Cilvēki, kuru pieredze un zināšanas tiek novērtētas ne tikai no klientu puses Latvijā, bet arī starptautiski, piesaistot uzņēmumam nozīmīgus sadarbības partnerus pasaulē.