Electrical engineers design, build and maintain electrical control systems, machinery and equipment. If you are good at maths, science and IT, and you want a career in engineering, this could be an ideal option for you.
In this job you will need to be good at solving problems, structuring your workload and enjoy working as part of a team.
As an electrical engineer, you would work with high and low voltage equipment in a number of areas, including:
- transport networks, including rail electrification and signalling
- power generation, transmission and distribution
- renewable energy sources, such as solar panelling, hydroelectric and wind turbines
- manufacturing and construction
- building services, such as lighting, heating, ventilation and lift systems.
Your exact duties would depend on your industry, but could include:
- carrying out feasibility studies for new technical developments
- drawing up project plans and circuit diagrams, using computer-assisted engineering and design software
- estimating costs and project timescales
- coordinating the work of technicians and craftspeople
- testing installations and systems, and analysing test data
- making sure projects meet safety regulations
- overseeing inspection and maintenance programmes
- attending meetings, writing reports and giving presentations.
You would normally work on projects with other professionals, such as civil engineers, architects, engineering technicians and IT staff.
Average salary (2014):
United Kingdom: Electrical engineers starting out can earn between £21,000 and £25,000 a year.
Qualifications and training required:
You would normally need to complete a foundation degree, HNC, HND or degree to become an electrical engineer. Courses are widely available and include:
- electrical or electronics engineering
- building services engineering
- mechanical engineering
- applied physics
- aeronautical engineering
- mechatronics.
With a degree in a relevant subject, you may be able to join a company's graduate trainee scheme. You may also be able to get into this career starting off as an electrical technician apprentice with an engineering or electrical company. You could then take further training after your Apprenticeship to qualify as an engineer. The range of Apprenticeships available in your area will depend on the local jobs market and the types of skills employers need from their workers.
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