Business managers and Chief Executives are responsible for overseeing and supervising a company's activities and employees. Small businesses rely on the business manager to keep workers aligned with the goals of the company. Business managers oversee the day-to-day operations in small organizations, oversee operations in all departments. Business managers oversee the activities of workers; hire, train and evaluate new employees; and ensure that a company or department is on track to meet its financial goals. Business managers might also develop and implement budgets, prepare reports for senior management and ensure the department complies with company policies. Managers also ensure workers have the resources to complete their work.
1. Sales and marketing
2. Accounts
3. Human resources
4. Information technology (IT)
Key skills for Chief Executive of Small Business:
The United Kingdom: £34,552 per year
The United States of America: $95,440 per year
Australia: AU$79,422 per year
Qualifications and training required:
Educational requirements for small business managers or owners are non-specific and can vary. Relevant degree programs may include a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Some community colleges or university extension programs may offer non-degree or certificate programs in small business management. Coursework may include topics in business planning and operations, finance, human resources and marketing.
1. Sales and marketing
2. Accounts
3. Human resources
4. Information technology (IT)
Key skills for Chief Executive of Small Business:
- Communication Skills. One of the most usable and crucial business management skills is communication. A recent study among 50,000 company recruiters revealed that communication skills were the most important factor in selecting managers. Communication skills pertain to listening, speaking and writing. Business managers must be able to listen to better understand their employees.
- Problem-Solving Skills. Most small companies face certain challenges in the marketplace. Therefore, business managers must have problem-solving skills to identify and confront these issues.
- Organizational Skills. Business managers in small companies usually have lots of projects to complete. They must be organized to know how to divide those projects into various tasks, select the right employees to complete them, delegate work, and meet project deadlines. These professionals must also know how long it takes to complete certain functions so they allocate the proper amount of time for those tasks or projects.
- Computer Skills. Computer skills are essential in small organizations. They help managers complete their work faster, coordinate meetings, and disseminate information. Most of these professionals need at least intermediate skills with word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software.
- Delegate and Motivate. These skills can be as important to company as its fiscal health. A strong business is more than just a team of talented workers. Trusting vital functions to proven managers frees up your time and allows those employees to grow along with your business. Also, provide feedback on their performance through quarterly or semi-annual reviews.
The United Kingdom: £34,552 per year
The United States of America: $95,440 per year
Australia: AU$79,422 per year
Qualifications and training required:
Educational requirements for small business managers or owners are non-specific and can vary. Relevant degree programs may include a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Some community colleges or university extension programs may offer non-degree or certificate programs in small business management. Coursework may include topics in business planning and operations, finance, human resources and marketing.
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